Friday, February 28, 2020

Introductory 3 Images

   Image result for capitoline hill

Renovated by Michelangelo between 1536-1546, the Capitoline Palaces, situated in Italy, Rome, represents the revival of classical architecture through a complex manipulation of cultural influence and reenactment of previous architecture. The trapezoidal piazza captured by the three palaces as well as the individual facades, is defined by a clear sense of eurythmy and symmetry. He's study of Vitrivius' treatise, "On Architecture," reoriented his ideology of the dynamics of architecture. As seen upon the facade of Palazzo Senatorio, Michelangelo harmonized the freedom of the human body to his architecture, where the "central elements are always free." His unique interplay of forms in structure creates a revolutionizing architectural harmony.

This is a day-time photo taken in Winter 2018 of Zhan Qiao Pier, Qingdao, China. It was originally established in 1892 with a width of 10 metres and a length of 200 metres, becoming the earliest military pier in the city. Upon the invasion of Germany, the pier was turned to be a freight pier. Upon further expansion and investments from the Chinese government, the length now stands 440 metres and overall heightened by 0.5metres. During the 1900s, the harbour was the major place for commodity transport and Zhan Qiao Pier served as an exclusive port for quarantining and piloting ships into the harbour. 

This is practical trial of my first time utilising oil paint as a source of artwork, idealising the harmonisation and merging between a slightly warm and cold colour. By keeping the artwork to only 3 base colours, the contrast between the far mountain range, clouds and snow was still made successfully.

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