Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Exp 2 - 5 Images + Moving Elements

Above is the first moving element - Moving Sculpture - Overhanging all 4 levels of the architecture, it creates a sense of weightlessness, conveying a futuristic feel, whilst the shadows cast impresses upon the harmonisation with nature. 

Above is the second moving element - Exterior Facade - With 3 levels in height, the exterior facade alters its height according to time of day, creating a sense of security as well as mimicking the growth of nature. 

Above is an image positioned upon the bridge to the Squarehouse, overseeing the East facade of the building.
Above is an image of the entrance to the building with a small gallery of student work on the Left and Right Aisles 

Above is an image illustrating the top level of the building exploring the central moving sculpture as well as denoting a space dedicated for Studio Teaching

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